CAROL LIU - @carolliujy
Carol Liu is a Chinese-Canadian painter and writer. Through her work, she examines the intertwining relationships between self, culture, and existence. Her paintings explore the realms of the sensual world and the underlying spiritual world. She often draws inspiration from the languages of cinema, poetry, and philosophy. Her work is influenced by her upbringing in two cultural centres at opposing ends of our world - Shanghai and Toronto. She is currently based in Montréal.
PROJECT: Double Consciousness
Freud described the id as chaos, a cauldron of seething excitations. Our primitive nature, a wild horse of energy and drive, is unable to resist the temptation of temporary desire. Our ego - the rider - grips the reins, trying to steer this untamed energy towards the direction that it wills. There’s always this push and pull between our chaotic wild nature and our desire to fit ourselves into social constructs.